Wrapping it all up. “Marge” is back, and so is the original question we asked ourselves: “Should Children Be Exposed to Large Topics Sooner or Later? Tying up all our loose ends and thoughts (and slightly deviating into territory that could start the next generational war) we bring a conclusion to a four parter that has been so much fun to work on (for me at least). If you’ve made it this far: congratulations and thank you, and please enjoy the last chapter.
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Deviating from our typical structure, this episode we are bringing back someone who has been very important to the early stages of my research....
In the first episode of my podcast ‘A Question of Growth’, I and a friend of mine will be defining the parameters of our...
Now that we’ve defined exactly what we’re looking at in Episode 1, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty of this topic. My...